What is SWIFT ?

Dedication to Student Success & Well-being Student Well-being, Intervention, and Follow-up Team (SWIFT) is a newly created department in the Division of Health, Well-being, & Safety (HWS) focused on crisis response and intervention. SWIFT is dedicated to providing holistic, trauma-informed care to the campus community while promoting the de-escalation/decriminalization of the response to mental health crises. UCR staff will connect you with a SWIFT team member dedicated to compassionately guiding you through the process of being referred to the proper resource and/or professional based on your expressed need.

The SWIFT Team will consist of SWIFT Clinicians who will respond with Campus Safety Responders (non-sworn unarmed professional staff) to support Highlanders in crisis. The co-response and initial assessment are led by the SWIFT Clinician accompanied by a Campus Safety Responder to help transport students to behavioral health or sexual violence-related support and treatment services if necessary.

If safety becomes an issue at any time during a call/encounter, the SWIFT Crisis Clinician will make the decision to escalate the level of care and/or engage Police & Campus Safety.

SWIFT is brought to you by Mental Health & Equity funds to aid highlanders to access specialty and higher-level behavioral health services when needed

SWIFT Team Roles

Clinicians Role

SWIFT Clinicians provide support to UCR community members experiencing a mental health crisis by conducting risk assessments, therapeutic crisis interventions, short-term counseling services, and referrals to other mental health related services on and off campus. SWIFT Clinicians respond in tandem with the Campus Safety Responders when there is a need to dispatch the SWIFT van regarding on-campus wellness checks of UCR students who are reported to be in mental distress, or when a UCR community member needs accompaniment to a behavioral health or sexual violence related treatment service. SWIFT clinical services are streamlined directly based on calls that are referred through the UCR Helpline with the goal of trauma informed crisis support and stabilization. SWIFT Clinicians may provide brief, ongoing follow up care once an initial call/ encounter has been completed to ensure that the UCR community member is successfully re-acclimated.

Well-being Liaison Role

The SWIFT Well-being Liaison builds connections and provides a bridge to services that foster UCR students' health and wellbeing, including increasing awareness and access to mental health crisis resources available on and off campus. The Liaison utilizes knowledge of on and off campus supportive services by answering initial calls that are referred to the SWIFT Program and directing UCR community members to the right resource or professional based on the expressed need. The Liaison additionally works to facilitate student well-being workshops and works with various departments/ resource providers within the Riverside community to ensure access to culturally protective practices. 




SWIFT  Partnership                                                                                                      Campus Safety Responders Role

Campus Safety Responders are full-time, non-sworn (unarmed) employees of the campus Police Department within the Health, Well-Being & Safety (HWS) organization, who support a tiered safety response by providing public safety services on campus and other nearby sites owned and/or controlled by the University. CSRs perform the following duties: routine police reports, radio dispatching, emergency first aid, traffic control, building and grounds security, prisoner processing, record bureau assistance, safety escorts, safety protection to mental health response team, response to campus alarms, and assistance to sworn officers as required. SWIFT Clinicians respond in tandem with the Campus Safety Responders.